ETLUtils 1.5 (2020-08-03)
- Adapt to changes of ff / bit. Use ff >= 4.0.0 and bit >= 4.0.0
ETLUtils 1.4.1 (2018-01-25)
- Copy .sqlite db to temp folder and chmod for complying to R CMD check
ETLUtils 1.4 (2018-01-17)
- Added argument odbcDriverConnect.args as requested in issue #2
- Changed argument fetch to dbFetch in read.dbi.ffdf and read.jdbc.ffdf
- Copy .sqlite db to temp folder for complying to R CMD check
ETLUtils 1.3 (2015-05-18)
- Added factorise
- Added write.dbi.ffdf, write.odbc.ffdf and write.jdbc.ffdf
- Changes regarding CRAN checks - import ff and import chunk from bit
- Small changes in examples in the manuals
ETLUtils 1.2 (2013-01-05)
- Added function read.jdbc.ffdf to read in data from an RJDBC channel into an ffdf object. This can be used to import data from Hive into an ffdf
- Added RJDBC as a suggested package
ETLUtils 1.1 (2012-05-20)
- Added function read.odbc.ffdf to read in data from an ODBC channel into an ffdf object
- Packages DBI, RODBC and zoo are now Suggested packages instead of Required
ETLUtils 1.0 (2012-04-03)
- Initial package providing functions matchmerge, recoder, naLOCFPlusone, renameColumns, read.dbi.ffdf